
佐藤 雄介(Yusuke SATO)

〒980-8578 宮城県仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-3


【現職】 東北大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 准教授

【生年月日】 1983年3月29日

2001年3月 徳島文理高等学校卒業
2005年3月 東北大学理学部化学科卒業(寺前紀夫教授)
2007年3月 東北大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻修士課程修了(寺前紀夫教授)
2010年3月 東北大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻博士課程修了(寺前紀夫教授)

2007年4月~2010年3月 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1)
2014年6月~2016年3月 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員(University of California, Davis:Prof. Revzin Alexander)
2010年4月~2020年3月 東北大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 助教
2020年4月~ 東北大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻 准教授

2009年12月 2009年度日本分析化学会東北支部奨励賞(日本分析化学会東北支部)
2010年3月 平成21年度青葉理学振興会賞(東北大学青葉理学振興会)
2010年3月 平成21年度化学専攻長賞(東北大学大学院理学研究科化学専攻)
2012年2月 第28回井上研究奨励賞(井上科学振興財団)
2014年9月 2014年度日本分析化学会奨励賞(日本分析化学会)
2018年3月 平成29年度日本化学会進歩賞(日本化学会)
2021年4月 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞(文部科学省)



【研究助成 (代表):科学研究費補助】
基盤研究(B) RNA標的創薬探索を指向した近赤外蛍光off-on型インジケーターの創出」
「高曲率膜を識別するペプチドプローブの開発とエキソソーム解析への応用 」
「siRNA を標的とする蛍光性リガンドの創成と細胞内解析への応用」

【研究助成 (代表):他の競争的資金】
2024年度~ JST創発的研究支援事業「エンベロープウイルス粒子に結合する分子プローブの創製とウイルス機能解析技術への応用」
2024年度 旭硝子財団研究助成「精密迅速ウイルス感染力評価を指向した蛍光偏光応答性プローブの創製」
2019年~2022年度 JST さきがけ「蛍光プローブの結合反応に基づくエクソソーム性質解析」
2017年度 豊田理研スカラー「siRNA創薬の細胞内デリバリーイメージングを指向したRNA結合性蛍光プローブの開発」
2015年度 中谷医工計測技術振興財団 技術開発研究助成(奨励研究)
2013年度 武田科学振興財団 ライフサイエンス研究奨励

2010年4月~ 日本分析化学会東北支部幹事
2016年4月~2020年3月 日本分析化学会東北支部若手代表
2021年度~2022年度 Analytical Sciences Associate Editor

  • Improved boronate affinity electrophoresis by optimization of the running buffer for a single step separation of piRNA from mouse testis total RNA
    Y. Sato, D. Iwasawa, P. H. Kuo, R. Nakagomi, S. Nishizawa
    Anal. Sci., accepted.
  • Red-emissive triplex-forming PNA probes carrying cyanine base surrogates for fluorescence sensing of double-stranded RNA
    T. Chiba, T. Sato, Y. Sato, S. Nishizawa
    Org . Biomol. Chem., 15, 7765-7769 (2017).
  • Optimization of the Alkyl Linker of TO Base Surrogate in Triplex-Forming PNA for Enhanced Binding to Double-stranded RNA
    T. Sato, Y. Sato, S. Nishizawa
    Chem. Eur. J., 23, 4079–4088 (2017).
  • Lysine linkage in abasic site-binding ligand–thiazole orange conjugates for improved binding affinity to orphan nucleobases in DNA/RNA hybrids
    Y. Sato, H. Saito, D. Aoki, N. Teramae, S. Nishizawa
    Chem. Commun., 52, 14446-14449 (2016).
  • Triplex-forming Peptide Nucleic Acid Having Thiazole Orange as a Base Surrogate for Fluorescence Sensing of Double-stranded RNA
    T. Sato, Y. Sato, S. Nishizawa
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 138, 9397-9400 (2016).
  • Pteridine Derivatives Modified with a Guanidine for Binding and Sensing an Orphan Guanine in RNA duplexes
    Y. Sato, T. Asami, Y. Toriyabe, T. Sato, N. Teramae, S. Nishizawa
    Chem. Lett., 45, 982-984 (2016).
  • "Fluorescence Imaging of siRNA Delivery by Peptide Nucleic Acid-Based Probe"
    Sato, T, Sato Y., Iwai, K., Kuge, S., Teramae, N., Nishizawa, S.
    Anal. Sci., 31, 315-320 (2015).
  • "Synthetic Fluorescent Probes Capable of Selective Recognition of 3'-Overhanging Nucleotides for siRNA Delivery Imaging"
    Sato, T, Sato Y., Iwai, K., Kuge, S., Nishizawa, S., Teramae, N.
    Chem. Commun., 51, 1421-1424 (2015).
  • "A Label-Free and Sensitive Fluorescent Method for the Detection of Uracil-DNA glycosylase Activity"
    Tao, J., Song, P., Sato Y., Nishizawa, S., Teramae, N., Tong, A., Xiang, Y.
    Chem. Commun., 51, 929-932 (2015).
  • "Recent Progress in Abasic Site-Binding Small Molecules for Detecting Single-base Mutations in DNA"
    Nishizawa, S., Sato Y., Teramae, N.
    Anal. Sci., 30, 137-141 (2014).
  • "Abasic Site-Binding Ligands Conjugated with Cyanine Dyes for "Off-On" Fluorescence Sensing of Orphan Nucleobases in DNA Duplexes and DNA/RNA Hybrids"
    Sato Y., Kudo, M., Toriyabe, Y., Kuchitsu, S., Wang, C.-X., Nishizawa, S., Teramae, N.
    Chem. Commun., 50, 515-517 (2014).
  • "2,4-Diamino-6,7-dimethylpteridine as a Fluorescent Ligand for Binding and Sensing an Orphan Cytosine in RNA Duplexes "
    Sato Y., Toriyabe, Y., Nishizawa, S., Teramae, N.
    Chem. Commun., 49, 9983-9985 (2013).
  • "Rational Design for Cooperative Recognition of Specific Nucleobases Using β-Cyclodextrin-Modified DNAs and Fluorescent Ligands on DNA and RNA Scaffolds"
    Futamura, A., Uemura, A., Imoto, T., Kitamura, Y., Matsuura, H., Wang, C.-X., Ichihashi, T., Sato Y., Teramae, N., Nishizawa, S., Ihara, T.
    Chem. Eur. J., 19, 10526-10535 (2013).
  • "Competitive binding of abasic site-binding ligands and masking ligands to DNA duplexes for the analysis of single base mutation"
    Sato Y., Kageyama T., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Anal. Sci., 29, 15-19 (2013).
  • "Strong and selective binding of amiloride to an abasic site in RNA duplexes: Thermodynamic characterization and microRNA detection"
    Sato Y., Ichihashi S., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 6369-6372 (2012).
  • "Competitive assay for theophylline based on an AP site-containing DNA duplex aptamer and a fluorescent ligand"
    Sato Y., Zhang Y., Nishizawa S., Seino T., Nakamura K., Li M., Teramae N.
    Chem. Eur. J., 18, 12719-12724 (2012).
  • "Ratiometric fluorescence signaling of small molecule-environmentally sensitive dye conjugate for detecting single-base mutations in DNA"
    Wang C., Sato Y., Kudo M., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Chem. Eur. J., 18, 9481-9484 (2012).
  • "Highly selective binding of naphthyridine with a trifluoromethyl group to cytosine opposite an abasic site in DNA duplexes"
    Sato Y., Zhang Y., Seino T., Sugimoto S., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Org. Biomol. Chem., 10, 4003-4006 (2012).
  • "Base-pairing at the abasic site in DNA duplexes and its application for adenosine aptasensors"
    Pang Y., Xu Z., Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    ChemBioChem, 13, 436-442 (2012).
  • "Label-free molecular beacon system based on DNAs containing abasic site and fluorescent ligands that bind abasic sites"
    Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Chem. Eur. J., 17, 11650-11656 (2011).
  • "Fluorescence detection of small molecules based on adaptive transitions of abasic site-containing aptamers in combination with abasic site-binding ligands"
    Xu Z., Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Biosens. Bioelectron., 26, 4733-4738 (2011).
  • "Fluorescent trimethylsubstituted naphthyridine as a ligand for C-C mismatch detection in CCG trinucleotide repeats"
    Sato Y., Honjo A., Ishikawa D., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Chem. Commun., 47, 5885-5887 (2011).
  • "Enhancement in fluorescence response by a quencher for amiloride upon binding to thymine opposite an abasic site in a DNA duplex"
    Sato Y., Tian J., Ichihashi T., Chinda Y., Xu Z., Pang Y., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Anal. Chim. Acta, 675, 49-52 (2010).
  • "Effect of substituents of alloxazine derivatives on the selectivity and affinity for adenine in AP-site-containing DNA duplexes"
    Rajendar B., Rajendran A., Ye Z., Kanai E., Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Sikorski M., Teramae N.
    Org. Biomol. Chem., 8, 4949-4959 (2010).
  • "Abasic site-based DNA aptamers for analytical applications"
    Nishizawa S., Sato Y., Xu Z., Morita K., Li M., Teramae N.
    Supramol. Chem., 22, 467-476 (2010).
  • "Effect of the bases flanking an abasic site on the recognition of nucleobase by amiloride"
    Rajendran A., Zhao C., Rajendar B., Thiagarajan V., Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Biochim. Biophys. Acta General Subjects, 1800, 599-610 (2010).
  • "Influence of substituent modifications on the binding of 2-amino-1,8-naphthyridines to cytosine opposite an AP site in DNA duplexes: Thermodynamic characterization"
    Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Yoshimoto K., Seino T., Ichihashi T., Morita K., Teramae N.
    Nucleic Acids Res., 37, 1411-1422 (2009).
  • "2-Aminopurine-modified abasic site-containing duplex DNA for highly selective detection of theophylline"
    Li M., Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Seino T., Nakamura K., Teramae N.
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 2448-2449 (2009).
  • "Label-free aptamer-based sensor using abasic site-containing DNA and a nucleobase-specific fluorescent ligand"
    Xu Z., Morita K., Sato Y., Dai Q., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Chem. Commun., 6445-6447 (2009).
  • "Signal-off and signal-on design for a label-free aptasensor based on target-induced self-assembly and abasic site-binding ligands" Xu Z., Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Chem. Eur. J., 15, 10375-10378 (2009).
  • "Small-molecule binding at an abasic site of DNA: Strong binding of lumiflavin for improved recognition of thymine-related single nucleotide polymorphisms"
    Sankaran N. B., Sato Y., Sato F., Rajendar B., Morita K., Seino T., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    J. Phys. Chem. B., 113, 1522-1529 (2009).
  • "Effect of methyl substitution in a ligand on the selectivity and binding affinity for a nucleobase: A case study with isoxanthopterin and its derivatives"
    Rajendar B., Rajendran, A., Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Bioorg. Med. Chem., 17, 351-359 (2009).
  • "Fluorescence and electrochemical detection of pyrimidine/purine transversion by a ferrocenyl aminonaphthyridine derivative"
    Morita K., Sato Y., Seino T., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Org. Biomol. Chem., 6, 266-268 (2008).
  • "Improvement of base selectivity and binding affinity by controlling hydrogen bonding motifs between nucleobases and isoxanthopterin: Application to the detection of T/C mutation"
    Rajendar B., Sato Y., Nishizawa S. Teramae N.
    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett., 17, 3682-3685 (2007).
  • "Electrochemical SNPs detection using an abasic site-containing DNA on a gold electrode"
    Morita K., Sankaran N. B., Huang W., Seino T., Sato Y., Nishizawa S., Teramae N.
    Chem. Commun., 2376-2378 (2006).
  • "Enhancement of binding ability of a ligand for nucleobase recognition by introducing a methyl group"
    Dai Q., Xu C.-Y., Sato Y., Yoshimoto K., Nishizawa S. Teramae N.
    Anal. Sci., 22, 201-203 (2006).
  • "Synthetic fluorescent probes capable of selective binding to 3’-overhanging structures in double stranded RNAs for RNA interference study "
    第54回日本生物物理学会年会,つくば国際会議場,Nov., 2016.(Invited)
  • "Design and synthesis of RNA-binding fluorescent probes for siRNA delivery imaging"
    Pacifichem2015, Hawaii USA, Dec., 2015.(Invited)
  • "Abasic site-binding small ligands conjugated with cyanine dyes for gene analysis"
    Sendai Symposium on Analytical Sciences 2012, Tohoku University WPI-AIMR, Japan, Nov., 2012. (Invited)
  • "RNA構造を識別する蛍光性ペプチド核酸プローブの開発"
  • "RNA構造を識別する蛍光性分子の開発"
    第33回 無機・分析化学コロキウム、東北大学川渡共同セミナーセンター、2016年6月(依頼講演)
  • "核酸特定部位に結合する蛍光性分子の開発とその分析化学的応用"
  • "RNA 結合性小分子を用いた小分子RNA 検出"
  • "蛍光性リガンドと核酸の相互作用に基づく分析化学"
  • "脱塩基部位含有DNA二重鎖を用いた生体関連基質検出"

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